27 January 2005

Don't worry, she's certified for this sort of thing.

The staredown contest... our evening entertainment... I think Binca won this one.


25 January 2005


Julian in blue........

22 January 2005

Grampa Gil with Julian.

20 January 2005

contemplation ... that's Julian by the way ... you knew that.

...figuring out what this whole 'play thing' is all about. Maybe next week they'll catch on.

19 January 2005

Grampa Joe and Julian... with some helping hands.

Gramma Karin...aka Ny Ny (Chinese for Gramma Karin)

13 January 2005

tired boys...taken on day one.

Bryce (lil' bro') ...Born at 11:28am 22 December 2004

...very fresh...6 1/4 pounds. Yes, he was that red.

Julian (big bro')...Born at 9:28am 22 December 2004...

...very fresh...5 1/2 pounds or 2,502 whatevers. Yep, he was that pale.

Bailey...RIP. She died about an hour before Julian was born...22 Dec.

Julian & Bryce practicing jedi mind tricks on each other...

12 January 2005

Enjoying the sunshine...for the first time.

Here we are on day one.

Mom and Bryce snoozin'... or is that Julian??

B&J sportin' some classy quilts...

...made by Katie D. Kirk made Julian's very cool hat. Thanks!!

shreadin' the narly Lummi powda'